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Responsibility Item:Who Fills?Name:Phone No.:Email:Notes:   
Contest Chair:     
Committee Member 1: L.Moebs L.Moebs (734)634-3241 lawrencemoebs
Committee Member 2:  M.Rosenthal  AreaW2@d28.
Committee Member 3:  T.Gibson  AreaW1@d28.
Committee Member 4:  P.Hegde  DivisionW@ d28toastmasters.org 
Committee Member 5:     
Chief Judge:     
Judge 1:     
Judge 2:     
Judge 3:     
Judge 4:     
Tie-Breaking Judge:     
Orders/Purchases Trophies:     
Brings Trophies:     
Blank Certificates: (Appreciation & Participation)     
Fills Out Certs:     
Gets Contestant Names:     
Brings Lectern:     
Extension Cords:     
Tape for Cords, etc.:     
Counter Forms:     
Eligibility Forms:     
Bio Forms:     
Timing Forms:     
Judges’ Forms:     
Timing Lights/Cards:     
Stop Watch:     
Create Flyer:     
Distribute Flyer+PR:     
Info on District Site+:     
Print Programs/Agendas:     
Bring Cash Box:     
Gets/Brings Food:     
Gets/Brings Beverages:     
Gets/Brings Plates/Cups/Napk etc.     
Sets up:     
Cleans up:     
Dignitary Sign-in Sheet:     
Directional Signs:     
Masking Tape:     
Submit Participants’ Names to District (1 week Prior):     
Brings US Flag:     
Brings Copies of Video Release Forms:     
Prints Detailed Entry Fee Info for Registrars:     

Welcome to SpeakOUT! Toastmasters on WordPress!

As club secretary, for my own benefit and for the benefit of others, i am attempting to get better at documenting our club’s goings-on. Let me know what you think. Contact me at lawrencemoebs@gmail.com

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Meeting Notes 2/25/2021

We had a pretty successful meeting this evening with a good number of attendees. A lot of the regulars: Lawrence, Annie, Rena, Shelly, Jason, Liz… Rich almost made it on but appeared to have some technical difficulties. We had 3 guests: Edna, Justin (?), & Eve(?).

There were a few last minute changes to agenda but it worked out well.

Our WOD was SONDER, which is “the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own.” (NOTE: upon double-checking/reminding myself of word meaning, I found that sonder is NOT standard English. This word does not appear in Webster’s nor on dictionary.com, but it does appear on “Urban Dictionary,” which is a user-created online dictionary of slang, and on Wiktionary, which is also user-created…)

One take-away I got from the meeting, from the speech evaluator, Shelly, was that it is important to be cognizant of the distortion sometimes caused by virtual backgrounds! Apparently, my hands were occasionally disappearing!

In the future, I intend to use this space for meeting minutes (as sec’y) and other notes and hope it is a useful resource for others as well.

Meeting Notes 3/11/2021

It was a fun and productive meeting with a pretty full complement of members and guests. 🙂 Rena did a great job as TM, keeping the meeting mostly on track and moving us forward. Shelly gave a speech chock full of information, as she often does. Our guest, JC, provided the word of the day, EQUALITY, and during the evaluation portion of the meeting, introduced a term I enjoyed, referring to good and not-so-good things he’d observed as “gems and germs.” (I’ve heard other clubs refer to these as “glows and grows,” but “gems and germs” is my new favorite.)

Guests included: Frank Vaca (vacaafrank@gmail.com), whose mother is a TM, and JC, aka John, who has been visiting clubs virtually during the pandemic and refers to himself as a TM ambassador.

Rich was also able to join us from his fire-lit porch, too.

Annie provided a couple of prescient tips, including “look at the camera” to make max eye contact with your entire audience all at once AND pause briefly, at least, between “taking the stage” and beginning your speech in order to command attention toward yourself as the speaker.

During the meeting too, our TM, Rena, mentioned the movie Crip Camp, which I have not seen but fully intend to check out in the near future.

We had a few announcements including a reminder about dues: $46 before April 1 which can be submitted through Venmo to A2Annie or sent through the mail to Annie Wolock 2748 Lookout Circle, Ann Arbor, MI 48104. Announcements also covered a reminder about the District Conference which will be April 23/24. There is an email contact for questions and more info which can be found in the district newsletter, and info can also be obtained, no doubt, on the district website.

Meeting Notes 5/13/2021

We scrambled a bit at the outset with some last minute changes/cancellations and role updates but managed to pull off a successful and productive meeting this week! Lawrence stepped in as Grammarian/AH Counter & Tipmaster; Liz took over as Timer and Annie jumped in as General Evaluator. [Frank gave an especially good speech. Good job, Frank!]

Roles for next time are below, but please keep in mind that these are simply what was discussed at the end of the meeting and often change in the interim between meetings. For the most up-to-date meeting roles, contact the TM or VP of Ed.

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TMLawrenceAnnieRenaLizLawrenceAnnieShellyAnnieLawrenceDebbie M.Lawrence
GERRRichRenaRound RobinRyan M.FrankKaushal
Spkr 1DebbieShellyShelly (or Annie)RichRichFrankLawrenceShellyDebraDebra
Spkr 2
Eval 1?LawrenceLiz AnnieShellyAnnieDebbieLizAnnieDennis
Eval 2
T. TopicsAnnieLawrenceLawrenceLizLawrenceAnnieLawrenceDebbie M.Lawrence